Lets face it, we all hate the smell onions or garlic (or other pungent foods) leave behind on our hands.. But not all of us have the spiffy little stainless steel soap "thingy" that is supposed to remove said odor, or if you are like me (scary thought) it might not work well for you. So here are some other tips or tricks if you will to help you get rid of the not so friendly scent that onions leave behind.
Stainless steel- I know I mentioned the soap above, but you don't have to spend your cash on a little soap shaped chunk of steel when you have a drawer full of it. Grab a spoon (easier to rub) and rub it along your fingers and anywhere the smell happens to linger. Just make sure it is actually steel, or it won't work.
Salt- Wet your hands and get some dish soap lathered up, then add a nice palm full of salt and scrub. Not only does it leave your hands feeling smooth from exfoliation, the salt scrubs away the strong odor as well.
Lemon- Citrus is a good choice as well. The acid cuts through (or its supposed to) and leaves your hands smelling fresh and fruity. Cut a fresh lemon in half and squeeze the juice into your hands and rub it in like a lotion, then give your hands a good rinse. Don't want to waste a fresh and tasty lemon just for scents sake? The bottled stuff works as well or use some plain ole vinegar and it will get the job done too..
I hope that helps you fix your onion odor issues. If you have any questions you would like me to answer, or if you have tips to share please let me know. Thanks for reading!